
Clip the wings of “I”

PS: this is not my own article, it owns to Anand Prakash Anand and I came across to it while I was goggling… so happy reading  We always use the alphabet ‘I’ for self in capital form purely due to our ego. For the same reason, we never use ‘i’ even in between the sentence. While …

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Alone together!

     Just a moment ago, my friends posted on his Facebook page about his feeling toward a Facebook website, and how displeased he is about it , and that led me to try to write about it, I know that I’m a shitty writer but I like to have my own full clear vision …

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The need to belong

Humans are social animals. Evolutionarily speaking, it is fair to say that social bonding has helped us survive. It is a tough world out there, and we have a lot better shot at thriving if we’re sharing resources and responsibilities, protecting and supporting each other in groups. The is not say you need to be …

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Can Suffering Inspire You?

Art out Of Pain“the artist takes in the world, but instead of being oppressed by it, he reworks it in his own personality and recreates it in the work of art” Ernest Becker There was a great scene in a movie and these two brothers that wished to become writers, We start learning about the …

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Get Naked in the brain

There’s a great anecdote about the very first concept taken of life, this concept and understanding occasioned a profound shift in ou understanding of ourselves.we all leave in that single celestial body teeming with life, the womb in which we dwell. Since the birth of this Earth, mankind Excel in misrepresenting the big picture, into …

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The looking glass self

In the age of social media, people increasingly get to have the sense of authorship over how they present themselves to the world, you’r carefully curated instagram feed, your facebook profile pictures, these are ways in which you essentially get to dictate, you get to construct the way that other people perceive you, and this …

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