Research papers
During my five-year tenure as an AI researcher, I have had the privilege of working with some of the brightest minds in the field. Through my collaborations with other researchers and academics, I have been able to contribute to several groundbreaking studies that have helped to advance the field of AI in significant ways. As a result, I have had the opportunity to publish a number of scientific papers that have been widely recognized and cited within the research community.
- A Eeview of Facial Emotion Recognition: Comparison of Conventional and Deep Learning Methods Fouzia Adjailia - 2019. In: SCYR 2019 : Scientific Conference of Young Researchers of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Kosice. - Koˇsice (Slovensko)Technicka univerzita v Kosiciach s. 17-21[online, CD-ROM]. - ISBN 978-80-553-3273-4
- Human Facial Emotion Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction Filip Hendrichovsky, Fouzia Adjailia, Peter Sincak - 2019. In: Electrical Engineering and In formatics 10proceedings of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Koˇsice.- Koˇsice (Slovensko) :Technick ́a univerzita v Koˇsiciach s. 236-244 [CD-ROM, online].- ISBN 978-80-553-3342-7
- Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Robust Facial Emotion Recognition Andrinandrasana David Rasamoelina, Fouzia Adjailia, Peter Sinˇc ́ak - 2019. In: INISTA2019 : International Symposiumon Innovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications.- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineerss. 1-7 [online]. - ISBN 978-1-7281-1861-1
- Towards a Real Time Personalized Facial Emotion Recognition Framework Fouzia Adjailia - 2020. In: SCYR 2020: Nonconference Proceedings of Young Researchers. - Koˇsice (Slovakia):Technick ́a univerzita v Koˇsiciach s. 192-193 [CD-ROM,online]. - ISBN 978-80-553-3538-4A
- Review of Activation Function for Artificial Neural Network Andrinandrasana David Rasamoelina, Fouzia Adjailia, Peter Sinˇc ́ak - 2020. In: IEEE 18th World Symposiumon Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics: proceedings. - Danvers(USA): Institute of Electricaland Electronics Engineers s. 281-286 [USB key]. - ISBN978-1-7281-3149-8
- Deep Learning Based Classification of 2D and 3D Images For Facial Expression Recognition Fouzia Adjailia, Diana Olejarov ́a, Peter Sinˇc ́ak -2020. In: Computer Science and Information Technology. - Chennai (India):AIRCC Publishing Corporation s. 225-233 [print]. - ISBN 978-1-925953-24-4 - ISSN 2231-5403
- Application and Perspectives of Convolutional Neural Networks in Digital Intelligence Ivan Cik, Miroslav Jascur, Andrinandrasana David Rasmoelina, Jan Magyar, Lukas Hruska, Fouzia Adjailia,Marian Mach, Marek Bundzel,and Peter Sincak -2021. In: DISA 2020: Towards Digital IntelligenceSociety pp 33-58
- Robust 3D Facial Expression Recognition Fouzia Adjailia - 2021. In: SCYR 2021 : Scientific Conference of Young Researchers of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Koˇsice. - Koˇsice (Slovensko)Technick ́a univerzita v Koˇsiciach s. 42-44[online, CD-ROM]. - ISBN 978-80-553-3904-73D
- 3D Object Classification Using HOG3D Fouzia Adjailia, Andrinandrasana David Rasmoelina, peter sincak - 2022. In: ICDSA 2021 : International Conferenceon Data Science and Applications indexed Springer book series ’LECTURE NOTES IN NETWORKSAND SYSTEMS’
- Automated Data-collection for Personalized Facial Expression Recognition in Human-robot Interaction Fouzia Adjailia, Peter Sincak - Production Systems and Information Engineering, 2022