Sadness is a complicated and typically unpleasant emotional response to loneliness. Sadness usually involves uneasy thoughts over the loss of interaction or contact with other beings, both in the present and in the future. As such, grief can be thought about even though it is surrounded by various people. The causes of depression are diverse and involve environmental social, mental, and physical influences.
There’s a little bit of consolation to be found in knowing that these emotions are absolutely natural if you’re missing your loved on es as well. Humans are social beings, and it is daunting enough to be expected to live indoors and alone without the backdrop of a worldwide pandemic to think about.

How does the new world map look like today ?
Nations have been compelled to take stringent corona-virus prevention measures, Domestic traffic limits, curfews and prohibitions on mass mobility were accompanied by initial steps such as closing down borders and stopping international flights. Although initiatives aimed at preventing the spread of the virus have almost entirely shut down everyday life and economic development, policymakers have rapidly taken action to avoid those negative impacts.

Knowing that , without a vaccine the only protection against COVID-19 remains to avoid transmission. It is important to know the results of each control measurement each country is performing to decide which ones can be safely adopted.
The unknown of the pandemic
A huge part of why it’s so anxiety-provoking ,is the uncertainty of how long it could last who it will impact, and how it could change our lives forever.
we may put our heads in the pillow by the end of the day and realize that you didn’t speak out loud with anyone for days, wonder how many family occasions you will miss, or when you will ever have the chance to finally see the new born in your family? parents questioning if they will ever provide food for their kids, wives suffering domestic violence, working extra to help tutoring kids at home.

How to cope ?
- Stay connected:
- Using the moment for loved ones to seek out and communicate with old friends.
- reflect on what you are thankful for
- try journaling and scripting, this will help you see the positive things.
- Manage the emotions:
- Rather then ignoring the emotions, face and try to see the source of the loneliness.
- Don’t be ashamed to tell that you are feeling lonely and that you miss your loved ones.
- It is okay to not be good at it, read books, watch videos, listen to broadcasts. don’t blame yourself for having theses feelings.
- Share the experience:
- sharing the experience can be of a great help to see things from another person’s perspectives, share with people but be careful with whom you share it as some people can take it for granted or they don’t have experience dealing with it.
- Physical activities:
- Expend your activities horizons, if you used to go to gym, try running, buy equipment and do boxing at home.
- Turn on music out loud and start dancing.
A gentle reminder
You are not alone in this. Most critically, over the remainder of 2020 and beyond, we will know which relations we want to keep on to close, and invest all of our energies into sustaining them.