The looking glass self

In the age of social media, people increasingly get to have the sense of authorship over how they present themselves to the world, you’r carefully curated instagram feed, your facebook profile pictures, these are ways in which you essentially get to dictate, you get to construct the way that other people perceive you, and this raises all kinds of questions about the fluidity of our identity about how we interface with other minds and other people and it raises all kinds of questions about authenticity, authentic exchanges. 

Who m I? and so the philosopher by the last name of Cooley, he wrote about the looking glass self theory and basically what he said is that we come to be through the interactions that we have with other people, by making models of the other person’s mind. In other words, he says:”I’m not who I think I’m, I’m not who you think I’m, I’m who I think you think I’m”. In other words, we make renderings of what other people think of us and actually play the role of becoming we think they think we are, but in the end we never actually get to know other people’s minds, all we get to know is the modeling of their modeling of us. 

So in the end of the day, we live inside a construct of our own making. I guess perhaps what we should do is come clean about this fact and stop asking questions about authenticity in the ways that we present ourselves artfully on social media and instead accept the fact that identity is a fluid act of improvisation and that the self is not a solid thing and never has been. Now again,

I’m not who I think I’m, I’m not who you think I’m,  I’m who I think you think I’m. Wrap you head around that one 

Jason Silva – shots of awe